Get to know the founder of MoreYou 

,,With my experieces and my knowledge I want to take you to a journey of tranformation with a hollistic approach. Together and on all level - body, mind and spirit - we will lift you up to unfold your true potential. for a fulfilled life. " 
Mariya - MoreYou

Nice to meet YOU!

My Approach

Varied, holistic and individual.
The approach of body, mind and spirit connects all relevant levels of our being. 
Bringing this three levels into harmony, you will explore a new inner power, ease, connection, self-acceptance and inner peace.
Be You - MoreYou!


Coming from competitional bodybuilding (bikini class), I used to be very self-critical, disciplined, focussed and motivated.

The pure optical focus and pressure brought me to my transformation of holistic physical health, self-acceptance and a completely new body understanding. 

Health and well-being are essential for a happy life.


I help people with finding true connection to the body, being in balance, getting self-love and self-acceptance, exploring sexuality, embodiment and female energy. 

Through certification in personal training, orthomolecular medicine and nutrition coaching I help you to get access a new era for your body - your temple. 




Really early in my teenie years I discovered "The Secret" - the „Law of Attraction". 

The secret is to combine it with the law of action. 


As a certified psychological consultant and life coach I love working with my clients on their personal development. self-realization, unfolding potential and improve life quality though empowerment and finding the own purpose.


Transforming thinking into feeling is a challenge for a lot of people - but this is exacly the key for processing and healing. On the 1:1 we do inner child work and shadow work, review patterns and life situations, working on being authentic for living a happy and fulfilled life in integrity, awareness, passion and love.


After a really challenging phase of life, spirituality became an important and constant anchor that accompanies me in daily-life. 

Through my own, numerous and varied experiences in Germany and foreign countries focussing on mind-expansion and discovering my subconscouisness, I was able to experience the deepest connection to my essence, healing childhood themes and long-term trauma, questioning beliefs and rising to my highest self and feeling inner freedom, inner peace, purity with myself and wholeness.

As a guide I lead the unique MoreYou Retreats to give you the possibility to do the same. Together we find the root cause of wounds, behavior and beliefs and step up to the best version of yourself.



„Everyone of us has an own story. Below you can find an important part of mine. Your future doesn't have to be the continuation of your past!

Because right here and right now you have the chance to change it all - right in the direction, you're wishing for. 

Allow yourself to be grateful for every single experience you've made. Without shadows there's no light and we're all here to make our unique experiences on planet earth, to learn and to heal, to understand and to rise. You always have the option to change fear for love and frustration for gratitude. Let's make your life brigther. “


Mariya - MoreYou Academy


In 1995 I was born in Ukraine and remember at first always being a happy child with lots of energy and love of life. In 1998 we came to Germany - tired and full of uncertainty I remember the long bus ride here.

The childlike lightness and joy turned into the opposite for me between the ages of five and twelve. During this time I experienced a lot of psychological and physical violence, bullying and many knockdowns. So I took refuge in the closed, inner world with many fears and self-doubts.

Fortunately, this phase dissolved within the family. At school I found new friends and was allowed to experience great, interesting and also very challenging things during my teenage time. At the age of 14 I discovered "The Secret" for the first time (total recommendation!) and thus the law of attraction and the power of thoughts for me. I developed a great interest in better understanding the people through whom I was going through the difficult times, and so I began to study a lot of psychology at an early age.

Things were looking up! However, as I knew from my life roller coaster, this phase didn't last long. My first, long relationship and the death of my grandfather, who was always dad to me, left numerous wounds again.  


Due to frustration and inner dissatisfaction with myself, I then took refuge at the age of 18 in the competitive bikini class in bodybuilding and in the university study of Management & Economics. At the same time I took psychology as a second subject. Full speed ahead I was able to prove myself again and again by discipline and self-responsibility. I was always accompanied by friends, my new partner at the time, my family and my own diligence.

But this phase also left its mark on me. I was often disappointed on a human level and I struggled with my self-worth and unspoken desires and life perpectives. I often remember how everyone referred to me as "self-confident" - physically and mentally I seemed strong, but actually I was extremely lacking in self-love & acceptance and many beliefs and convictions I had built up through my experiences and trials at that time were absolutely not serving me.


Unsure of what I actually wanted, I catapulted myself into a new, highly toxic-manipulative and self-destructive relationship where I completely lost myself. A movie could have been made about it - I also started writing a book about it afterwards. Throughout those two deeply debilitating years, there remained - anchored deep by The Secret - a spark of hope and positivity whenever I had moments and quiet time to myself.

I never stopped believing in the good and that in the end, life is always for me, never against me. Desperate, I ended the relationship in my head - but unfortunately not in reality. I used the frustration efficiently but fear-driven in competitive sports, in my job and in my master studies, which I successfully finished at the age of 24.
I discovered a big love for nature and used every free minute when no one was around to work on my mindset to regain strength. These brief, yet frequent moments of light provided me with extreme strength and I finally ended the toxic relationship in 2019.

I found back into my own energy, into pure joy of life, into femininity and harmony. I took back all the knowledge and power from the previous years and educated myself on many levels of personal development and consciousness development and became a certified psychological consultant and personal coach with great joy and a big vision.

Since I was always very interested in practical application, I quickly began to accompany people in my own individual way, developing my own concepts and quickly putting them into practice.
I freed myself from my fears, traumas, self-doubts and from all the negative beliefs that had been me with me until then. My own development continues of course, but on a whole new level and out of abundance, love and gratitude. With my whole heart and soul I am also there for other people with MoreYou and the different offers and impulses to bring them back into harmony with themselves, to open new perspectives, to heal traumas and to lead a happier, fulfilled, free and self-determined life. 

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